- Our Mission
New Believer? New to Radiant? New to church?
No matter where you are at on your journey we desire to partner with you and help your grow in loving God and loving others!
Spend intentional time in God’s loving presence.
When we live intentionally in God’s presence, we create space for Him to shape us to be more like Jesus.
Read, listen to, and study God’s word. Spend time in prayer, go on walks and talk with God. There’s no one size fits all spiritual practices so we encourage you to spend time finding what works best for you. Here’s some resources we like to help get you started:
You can read, listen to, or study God’s Word, as well as daily devotionals based on many different needs or interests.
The BibleProject is a great place to watch short visual explanations that show how the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus.
Grow closer to God, learn more about Him and His church through fellowship with other believers.
Get Connected with the church! We have several ministries to help you connect with other believers. Men’s, Women’s, Young Adults, Youth, Kids & More. Check out the Connect Page or send us a message to help!
Welcome To Radiant is a fun class we offer for anyone new to Radiant to come meet members of the team, learn more about us and get their questions answered! Send Info@radiantedc.church an email to find out when the next one will be! Head over to the “About Us” page and send us a message. We would love to hear from you and even take you out from some coffee or tea.
Services are held every Sunday at 10:00 AM.
Several ministries are held throughout the week and hold special events throughout the year.
Volunteer with us! No matter your talents we have a spot for you! From helping greet others, making coffee and running the sound to teaching the kids! Check out our Connect Page.
Here at Radiant we observe two biblical sacraments rooted in the actions and teachings of Jesus Christ: Baptism and Communion. These sacraments represent both the individual, inward commitment to a personal relationship with Jesus and the corporate, outward sign of being connected to a local community of Christ followers—the local church.

Get Baptized
Baptism is an opportunity to share with your community about the decision you’ve made to place your faith in Jesus. Our hope for you is that once you’ve understood what it means to be a Jesus follower, that you can follow that up with the personal decision of Baptism.

Take Communion
Communion is "the believer's meal" intended for followers of Christ, by which they acknowledge and remember Jesus’ death on the cross—the ultimate sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. Bayside extends an "open" Communion table, meaning the invitation to receive Communion during a Bayside service is open to any follower of Christ, regardless of membership, denominational affiliation, or spiritual tradition. Anyone who believes in Christ as their Lord is Savior is welcomed to participate with is. We generally celebrate communion on the first Sunday of a new month.
Get In Touch
Contact us today to schedule your baptism, get your questions answered or to speak with a Pastor.
Call Us