In September 2022 Our Servant Leadership Unanimously Voted along with the Affirmation of our Voting Membership to Transition from
the Denomination that we were affiliated with and to Partner with Transformation Ministries. This was after conversations with the Conference Leadership of that Movement that we still continue to honor today as our very dear Partners in the Gospel and friends. It was the conviction of our Leadership that we were not leaving a denomination but instead we are being called to something that would be a God-Size partnership that would assist us in living out the mission of Christ locally, nationally and globally. We felt a strong calling and connection with the Mission and Vision of
Transformation Ministries (https://www.tmchurches.org/ )
The Executive Team and Board of Transformation Ministries Have committed to a Strategic Alignment
Of their Organizational Structure and Practices with their Kingdom Mission which they call HORIZON 2025:

We envision a God-empowered movement of churches:
every pastor growing
every church healthy
every community transformed for Christ.
Transformation Ministries exists to build a movement of mission-empowering relationships by:
deepening and developing pastors as spiritual leaders
coaching and networking churches toward greater health and missional vitality
supporting and initiating viable church planting partnerships.
Biblical Authority
Because we believe Scripture is God’s infallible word, it is the supreme authority for Christ-followers and the Church.
Because we believe Scripture teaches that apart from God we can do nothing, we are a people of prayer, obedience, faith and risk.
Mission of God
Because we believe salvation is found only in Jesus Christ, we are committed through word and deed to see all lost people come to Christ and grow into His fully devoted followers, and to multiply missional congregations.
Generation to Generation
Because we believe each generation needs new life in Christ, we value the development of a new generation of leaders, and ministries that reach and serve next generations.
Mission-Empowering Relationships
Because we believe God is a relational being who created humanity in His image, and because the Scriptures call churches to interdependent relationships to most effectively carry out God’s mission, we value building relationships both between pastors and between congregations.
Church as a Mosaic
Because we believe all men and women are made in the image and likeness of God, we embrace and celebrate the multiplicity of generations, ethnic backgrounds, and cultural expressions within the body of Christ modeling reconciliation to the world.
Spiritual Leadership
Because we believe Scripture places critical importance on the quality of leadership, we seek and equip leaders called by God, sanctified and gifted by the Holy Spirit who serve in various capacities and guide the Church in fulfilling His purpose.